Thursday, 30 September 2021

Stunning properties of Merbau wood

 Wood is used for different purposes in every industry and is categorized into numerous varieties. Merbau Decking Melbourne was once one of the most common decking materials, and it was even used to construct house frames. It's still a popular decking material because it's less expensive than most others. Merbau has a durability grade of 2 and is resistant to rot and insects.

If you are planning for any home remodeling project then keep on reading the blog to know about the stunning properties of the Merbau wood!

Merbau Decking Melbourne

So, how Merbau is obtained?

Merbau is a popular hardwood from Southeast Asia, Papua New Guinea, the Pacific Islands, and northern Queensland. It is utilised externally in engineering, building, and maritime applications due to its excellent natural durability and strength. It is used for many floorings and decking purposes due to its amazing properties.

  • Merbau is hard

Even among hardwood species, Merbau parquet wood is extremely hard, with a Janka rating of 1850 Ps, which is 80 percent higher than teak and black walnut wood, 35 percent more than oak hardwood, 10% higher than golden teak, and only 3% lower than outstanding wenge hardwood.

As a result, Merbau wood, also known as Merbau hardwood, is ideal for hardwood flooring, cladding, and furniture.

  • Classy merbau colours

Merbau wood has a distinct wood variety from heartwood to sapwood, ranging from dark brown heartwood to bright golden sapwood. Its primary colour ranges from light red to dark golden. Merbau wood has a unique feature in terms of colour: it has small golden sparks that are just 2-4mm long and 1mm wide. When compared to other wood species like taun wood, mahogany wood, and teak wood, Merbau wood has golden sparks.

Merbau wood contains a naturally dark brown colloid component in its wood structure that dissolves when exposed to water and is wiped away.

  • Excellent density

Merbau being an excellent species of hardwood floor and hence excellent density hence, it is suitable for long-lasting construction.

  • Sustainable and durable

Merbau is strong and high-density hardwood hence it is exceptionally durable and stable in dimension, even in harsh conditions, according to a general understanding of hardwood quality. Actually, Merbau hardwood is well-known for its long-term durability and dimension stability.

Merbau wood's oily wood trait, which is akin to teak wood, contributes to its endurance. Merbau's natural wood oil protects it from water and worm bites, extending its life even when used outdoors.

  • Termite resistant

Merbau is not only long-lasting and sturdy, but it also has exceptional termite resistance properties. That is why Merbau outdoor wood decking in Asia and Australia has become so popular. Because Merbau hardwood is 40% to 50% less expensive than Burmese teak hardwood (which is also exceptionally termite resistant), more and more people are opting for Merbau wood decks to replace Burmese wood decks for outdoor construction.

Merbau Decking Melbourne


If you are planning to invest in Merbau Decking Melbourne, gather a better knowledge of Merbau wood to choose the superb quality based on the above size features in wood attributes. Outdoor decking requires more care and maintenance as they are exposed to harsh climates.

Hope you found the above article about Merbau wood useful and helpful for your outdoor decking project.

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